Reinvention v3

My blog has been dormant for a very long time. After leaving my last role a couple of years ago I decided it was time to take some much needed rest, relaxation and re-invigoration time. As I’m getting to the end of this time off and getting re-focused, it seems like a great time to re-invent my online presence for the 4th time. While I’ve been mildly blogging since 2007, I feel like it’s time to start putting pen to paper across a lot of topics. I’ve been gradually writing longer and more thoughtful content but have quickly come to the conclusion that posting to Social Media like Facebook and Twitter, where there are too many people acting a fool, was not going to be the best option for me.

After researching BlogML to WordPress options, I spent the day manually migrating posts and files from my very old site to WordPress and at midnight tonight I’ll point DNS to this new location.

And now, it’s time for me to say what I want to say on my own web-site. If you’re here and reading this, I appreciate you. If you want to discuss anything on here, please do! But remember, I’m about adult interaction and I’m not going to put up with anyone acting a fool on here, except for maybe me.

Cheers to you!

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