
  • Finance – Outside forces undermining the US Dollar

    Several external forces are actively trying to undermine the US dollar (USD) as the worldwide trade currency. These efforts are driven by a combination of economic, geopolitical, and strategic motivations. Motivations Behind Undermining the USD Sanctions and Geopolitical Strategy: Countries facing US sanctions seek to reduce their vulnerability by decreasing their reliance on the USD.…

  • Finance – Future of the US Dollar as the US Trade Currency

    The future of the US dollar (USD) as the worldwide trade currency is influenced by several key factors, and while it currently retains its dominant position, there are potential challenges and shifts that could affect its status. Here are some considerations:

  • Finance – World Wide Trade Currency

    What is the Worldwide Trade Currency? The worldwide trade currency is predominantly the United States dollar (USD). The USD serves as the primary currency for international trade, finance, and investment.