For me this was the missing piece to the platform, being able to do some kind of real-time debugging of values during execution. The Serial. library that comes with the Arduino allows you to interact with it while it’s running, which is great. Besides some of the Serial.print(ln) functions that I showed in quite a bit of the Lab 10 code, this lab work was really focused on getting input through the Serial interface. The code for this exercise is below…. Continue reading “Part 11 – Using the Serial Port”
Part 10 – Micro-controllers, input and output
Part 10 is where we learn to connect the hardware as both inputs and outputs using the code in the micro-controllers. This is the beginning of how to build bigger devices. The first part of Lab 10 is a primer on how to write some simple code to blink and LED connected to the Arduino. The Arduino setup looked like this….
Continue reading “Part 10 – Micro-controllers, input and output”